
Application of Partial Power Processing Technology in Power Electronics Converters
讲座人:Prof. Zhe Zhang,Hebei University of Technology
Presenter:  Zhe Zhang, Professor, Ph.D., SMIEEE, (Corresponding Presenter)
Affiliation:  Hebei University of Technology
Email: zhangzhedk@gmail.com
Presenter:  Chao Liu, Postdoctoral researcher, Ph.D.
Affiliation:  Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Tel: +45 50164412 (Mobile)
Email: chali@dtu.dk
Presenter:  Shanshan Gao, Assistant Professor, Ph.D.
Affiliation:  Harbin Institute of Technology
Email: gaoshanshan@hit.edu.cn
Power electronics technology is pivotal in transforming how energy is generated, managed, and utilized, in Fourth Energy Revolution. Partial power processing technologies have emerged as a solution to the growing demand for high efficiency and power density in power electronics. By only processing a portion of the total power, partial power converters can achieve higher efficiency and power density than traditional full power converters. Hence, we focus on design methodology, principles, control strategies and practice of applying partial power processing concept to to DC and AC power electronic converters. The mechanisms of partial power processing technology are present first. Topologies of partial power converters based on isolated buck/boost converter, phase-shift full bridge converter and dual active bridge (DAB) converters are compared comprehensively. Then the principle, control strategies and parameters design of high gain partial power converters and step-up/down partial power converters are introduced. Finally, design domains and technical trends are discussed to assist users to maximize the potential of the partial power processing technologies. 
This seminar is suitable for intermediate- or advanced-level researchers, engineers and students in power electronics, who are interested in high efficiency power conversion. The attendees should be familiar with the basics of dc-dc and ac-dc converter topologies, power semiconductors and modelling. 
1. Introduction (15 minutes)
1.1 Power electronic in the 4th Energy and Industrial Revolution
1.2 The driving force of power electronic applications: efficiency, cost, volume
1.3 Application of partial power processing technology
2. Mechanisms of Partial Power Processing Technology (30 minutes)
2.1 Partial power and multi-channel power conversion
2.2 Comparison analysis of partial power converter topologies
2.3 Comparison analysis of partial power processing constructions
2.4 Experimental results
2.5 Questions and discussions
Coffee break (5 minutes)
3. High-Gain Partial Power Converters (45 minutes)
3.1 Operating principles
3.2 Comparison analysis
3.3 Parameter design methods
3.4 Experimental results
3.5 Questions and discussions
Coffee break (5 minutes)
4. Non-isolated step-up/partial power converters (45 minutes)
4.1 Operating principles
4.2 Seamless switching control strategy design 
4.3 Application of GaN devices
4.4 Planer transformer design
4.5 Experimental results
4.6 Questions and discussions
Coffee break (10 minutes)
5. Isolated wide gain bidirectional partial power converters (25 minutes)
5.1 Problem definition
5.2 Multi-channel resonant converter design 
5.3 Planer transformer design
5.4 Experimental results
5.5 Questions and discussions
6. AC partial power processing technology (25 minutes)
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Multi-channel inverter design 
6.3 Step-up/down partial power converter based rectifier
6.4 Questions and discussions
7. Summary (5 minutes)
Zhe Zhang (Member, IEEE) received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical engineering from Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, China, in 2012 and 2015, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, USA, in 2021. From August 2018 to January 2019, he was an Intern with Rockwell Automation. From January 2021 to April 2021, he was a Research Intern with Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories. Since October 2021, he has been with Eaton Corporation, where he is currently a Lead Engineer with the Industrial Control Division. His research interests include EMI modeling and mitigation in power electronic systems, modeling and control of motor drives, and fault diagnosis and fault-tolerant control of induction motor drives. Dr. Zhang was the recipient of the 2020 General Electric Graduate Fellowship for Innovation and the William M. Portnoy Award for the best paper and presentation in the 2019 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition.

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